TROGAMID? CX7323 聚酰胺 Evonik Degussa GmbH Web 数据表 所有数据一般信息物理性能力学性能热性能电气性能与可燃性其它 单位 英制 | 公制 产品说明 Registration according USP XXIII Class VI Due to its combination of properties such as : high level of chemical resistance, good transparency, good UV-stability, high impact strength, low water absorption TROGAMID CX7323 is widely used for applications in the field of medical technology, e. g. as containers, packaging, connectors etc. Numerous chemical resistance tests have shown that TROGAMID CX7323 is superior to all other transparent materials such as PC, PMMA and all commercial amorphous nylons as well. Particularly the performance in alcohol containing solutions and lipid systems or other equally aggressive media and solvents, for example in cancer therapy, is outstanding. USP XXIII Class VI In its Pharmacopoeia -23rd Revision (USP XXIII) the United States Pharmacopoeia Convention provides regulations that guide the plastics and polymer industry in the manufacture of medical devices. Tests to determine the biological reactivity of elastomers, plastics and other polymeric materials are detailed in USP's general chapters. Plastics are classified in 6 classes: Class I to Class VI. The biocompatibility tests vary from class to class, with Class VI having the highest requirements. To qualify a plastic device, extracts of the test material are generated in various media and are injected by systemic and intracutaneous injections into rabbits or mice to evaluate the biocompatibility. An additional level of testing - implantation - can also be performed. Plastic mouldings not requiring implantation testing are graded Class I, II, III or V and those mouldings requiring implantation testing are graded IV or VI. According to test results - prepared by an independent test institute - we have achieved Class VI, the highest possible level of classification for a polymer used in medical devices for our TROGAMID CX9710. TROGAMID CX9710 is based on TROGAMID CX7323 with an additional mould release agent. This registration is also valid for TROGAMID CX7323. Depending on the legal requirements of the various countries an additional registration of each single device might be necessary before a device can become commercial. To accelerate this procedure we will pass on the test results to our potential customers - if requested. The USP XXIII Class VI registration is accepted worldwide and will strongly support the use of TROGAMID CX7323 for applications in medical technology. 总体 材料状态 已商用:当前有效 资料 1 Technical Datasheet (English) Brochure (English) 搜索 UL 黄卡 TROGAMID? 供货地区 北美洲 欧洲 性能特点 Low to No Water Absorption 尺寸稳定性良好 高 ESCR(抗应力裂纹) 抗撞击性,高 抗紫外线性能良好 可加工性,良好 良好的强度 耐低温撞击 耐刮擦性 耐化学性良好 耐磨蚀性,良好 耐气候影响性能良好 耐油性能 耐油脂性能 清晰度,高 食品接触的合规性 收缩性低 中等粘性 用途 工程应用 光学应用 化妆品 汽车领域的应用: 体育用品 纤维 医疗/护理领域的应用 机构评级 USP XXIII, Class VI 欧洲 2002/72/EC 外观 清晰/透明 加工方法 挤出 注射成型 物理性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法 密度 1.02 g/cm3 ISO 1183 粘数 150 到 170 cm3/g ISO 307 硬度 额定值 单位制 测试方法 支撑硬度 (邵氏 D) 81 ISO 868 球压硬度 110 MPa ISO 2039-1 机械性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法 拉伸模量 ISO 527-2 23°C 1400 MPa 80°C 1270 MPa 拉伸应力 ISO 527-2/50 屈服, 23°C 60.0 MPa 屈服, 80°C 60.0 MPa 拉伸应变 ISO 527-2/50 屈服, 23°C 8.0 % 屈服, 80°C 8.0 % 断张率 ISO 527-2/50 23°C > 50 % 80°C > 50 % 拉伸蠕变模量 ISO 899-1 1 hr 1300 MPa 1000 hr 700 MPa 弯曲模量 1700 MPa ISO 178 弯曲强度 2 ISO 178 3.5% 应变 50.0 MPa -- 90.0 MPa 抗泰伯磨耗 (100 Cycles) 18.0 mg DIN 53754 Outer Fiber Strain 3 9.0 % ISO 178 抗划伤 4 32 % DIN 52347 薄膜 额定值 单位制 测试方法 二氧化碳传输速率 (20°C, 50 μm) 2540 cm3/m2/24 hr No Standard 氮传输速率 (20°C, 50 μm) 85.0 cm3/m2/24 hr ASTM D1434 氧气传输速率 (20°C, 50 μm) 740 cm3/m2/24 hr No Standard 水气透过率 (23°C, 110 μm, 85% RH) 8.3 g/m2/24 hr No Standard 冲击性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法 简支梁缺口冲击强度 ISO 179/1eA -30°C 11 kJ/m2 0°C 12 kJ/m2 23°C 14 kJ/m2 简支梁缺口冲击强度 ISO 179/1eU -30°C 无断裂 0°C 无断裂 23°C 无断裂 热性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法 热变形温度 0.45 MPa, 未退火 122 °C ISO 75-2/B 1.8 MPa, 未退火 108 °C ISO 75-2/A 玻璃转化温度 140 °C ISO 11357-2 维卡软化温度 -- 137 °C ISO 306/A -- 130 °C ISO 306/B 熔融温度 5 250 °C DSC 线形膨胀系数 ISO 11359-2 流动: 23 到 80°C 0.000090 cm/cm/°C 横向: 23 到 80°C 0.000090 cm/cm/°C 比热 2490 J/kg/°C ASTM C351 温度指数 6 100 °C IEC 216 电气性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法 表面电阻率 > 1.0E+13 ohm IEC 60093 体积电阻率 > 1.0E+16 ohm·cm IEC 60093 耐电强度 7 27 kV/mm IEC 60243-1 相对电容率 IEC 60250 100 Hz 3.60 1 MHz 3.20 耗散因数 IEC 60250 100 Hz 0.012 1 MHz 0.033 漏电起痕指数 IEC 60112 -- 8 575 V 解决方案 A 600 V 可燃性 额定值 单位制 测试方法 UL 阻燃等级 UL 94 0.800 mm HB 1.60 mm HB 热灯丝点火温度 IEC 60695-2-13 -- 960 °C 1.00 mm 800 °C 充模分析 额定值 单位制 测试方法 熔体密度 0.900 g/cm3 熔体比热 2490 J/kg/°C ASTM C351 熔体导热性 0.25 W/m/K ASTM C177 非流动温度 132 °C **出温度 120 °C 补充信息 额定值 单位制 测试方法 Burst Index 11.0 MPa Internal Method Dynamic Properties - Under Load 9 > 2.0E+5 Cycles DIN EN 13443-1 Permeance No Standard Coefficient - Carbon Dioxide: 20°C, 50.0 μm 1.42E-8 cm3·cm/cm2/sec/bar Coefficient - Nitrogen: 20°C, 50.0 μm 5.00E-10 cm3·cm/cm2/sec/bar Coefficient - Oxygen: 20°C, 50.0 μm 4.30E-9 cm3·cm/cm2/sec/bar